PCBx3 Manager | Online Documentation
PCBx3 Manager ~ Business Management & Accounting

PCBx3 Manager | Main Menu > Operation

This part of the system documentation deals with all PCBx3 Manager menu items on the main menu tab Operation. It makes frequent references to other parts of the full PCBx3 Manager documentation.

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Advanced Options

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Send Work-order Confirmation

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Monitor and analyse the progress...

The Client Request Analyser form provides a convenient means to monitor and analyse client requests on a monthly and weekly basis.

The data is summarised by dates for each of the possible client request status options.

The Client Request Analyser presents monthly totals for the current financial year and the previous year totals, daily and week totals and averages as well as a yearly forecast.

The Client Request Analyser form can be accessed from the main menu’s management page or the operation’s sub menu.


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Quote Line-items

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Quote Register

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Quote Classifications

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Manage Completed Quotes

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Follow-up Quotes

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Quote Analyser

Monitor and analyse the progress...
The Quote Analyser form provides a convenient means to monitor and analyse client quotes on a monthly and weekly basis.

The data is summarised by dates for each of the possible quote status options.

The Quote Analyser provides monthly totals for the current financial year and the previous year totals, daily and week totals and averages as well as a yearly forecast.

The Quote Analyser form can be accessed from the main menu’s management page or the operation’s sub menu.


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Project Menu & Cockpit

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The last column of the Project Register shows the Calculated Total.

The Calculated Total is a project cost performance indicator that highlights the cost variance between the physical work completed and the total actual cost incurred in completing this work at a set milestone, i.e. invoice date.

A Calculated Total that exceeds the quoted value indicates production inefficiencies, poor execution and potential cost overrun, while a Calculated Total of less than the quoted value points towards project work being performed at less than forecasted cost and an efficient productivity rate.

The Project's Calculated Total is based on the formulae: Calculated Total = ((x / (y / 100)) / 100) * 100

x = Total Amount Invoiced and y = Percent Completed (Integer >0 and <= 100)

The formulae can be further reduced to: Calculated Total = x / (y / 100) = x * 100 / y

The calculation occurs when the payment milestone has been reached and the invoice has been issued. At the point of reaching the milestone the budget that has been assigned to the milestone, i.e. the budgeted cost of work performed has been earned.

This is also referred to as Earned Value. At the payment milestone the project’s actual work completed in percent (y) is also entered.

The formula is part of the project cost performance management and cost control. It is an indicator analysing the variance or cost deviation between the consumption of project funds (i.e. amounts invoiced) to the physical work accomplished (i.e. % completed) for such expenditures.

The 'Calculated Total' equals the budgeted cost, i.e. total invoiced value at the point in time of physical work completed as entered by the percent completed.

Example 1

The following example shows the calculated total after each invoice was issued. The initial quoted value of the project is $1000.

The Example 1 highlights that during the entire project and for each payment milestone the project was on track and everything going according to schedule. At each milestone the actual cost of work performed is equal to the actual earned value as indicated by the entered value of '% Completed'. The quoted value of the project ($1000) = Calculated Total = Project budget or Budget at Completion = Funds authorized.

Invoice # Invoice Amount Total Invoiced % Completed Completed Work Cost Variance Cost Performance Index Calculated Total
1 $100 $100 10 $100 $0 1.00 $1,000
2 $400 $500 50 $500 $0 1.00 $1,000
3 $300 $800 80 $800 $0 1.00 $1,000
4 $200 $1,000 100 $1,000 $0 1.00 $1,000
Example 1 - Interpretation

Interpretation of the above at each payment milestone (where supplier issues invoice to customer according to an agreed upon payment schedule):

Invoice #   Interpretation
1   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
2   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
3   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
4   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
Definition of each column
Column   Definition
A   Invoice #1-4 ~= point in time ~= status date
B   Invoice Amount = the project consumed funds equal to the (total) actual cost (AC) incurred in accomplishing the work performed (ACWP) at the status date (including profit component - assumption!)
C   Total Invoiced = accumulated actual cost = Sum(AC)
D   % Completed = percentage completion of the project work = Earned Value (EV)
E   Completed Work = Earned Value [$] = the value of the work performed expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to that work, i.e. against quoted value = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)
F   Cost Variance (CV) compares deviations from the budget = BCWP - ACWP; CV measures the efficiency of the project performance
G   Cost Performance Index (CPI) = EV / AC = BCWP / ACWP
H   Calculated Total = Quoted Value = Budget at Completion (BAC) ==> If the cost performance that must be achieved on the remaining work is to meet the quoted value, then there is neither a cost overrun (CPI<1.0) nor underrun (CPI>1.0). This is measured by the Cost Performance Index (CPI). CPI = EV/AC.
Example 2

The following example shows the calculated total after each invoice was issued. The initial quoted value of the project is $1000.

Value of the work completed compared to the actual cost or progress made on the project indicates a cost underrun. OR, physical progress is being accomplished at less than forecasted cost - in fact an outlay on behalf of the supplier but in project terms favourable.

Note: as the formulae looks at costs only (via CPI) and not at schedule performance we cannot really infer as to whether the project is on time! The CPI measures the efficiency by which the physical progress was accomplished compared to the plan or cost baseline.

Invoice # Invoice Amount Total Invoiced % Completed Calculated Total
1 $100 $100 15 $667
2 $400 $500 65 $769
3 $300 $800 95 $842
4 $200 $1,000 100 $1,000
Example 2 - Interpretation

Interpretation of the above at each payment milestone (where supplier issues invoice to customer according to an agreed upon payment schedule):

Invoice #   Interpretation
1   CPI >1.0 = cost underrun, earned value higher than invoiced, outlay but good productivity rate
2   CPI >1.0 = cost underrun, earned value higher than invoiced, outlay but good productivity rate
3   CPI >1.0 = cost underrun, earned value higher than invoiced, outlay but good productivity rate
4   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
Example 3

In the following example the percent completed at each stage is smaller then what is invoiced. The initial quoted value of the project is $1000.

Physical progress on the project is being accomplished at a greater cost than forecasted (and already invoiced). This is unfavourable and emphasis should be placed upon improving the productivity by which work was being performed.

Invoice # Invoice Amount Total Invoiced % Completed Calculated Total
1 $100 $100 1 $10,000
2 $400 $500 5 $10,000
3 $300 $800 8 $10,000
4 $200 $1,000 100 $1,000
Example 3 - Interpretation

Interpretation of the above at each payment milestone (where supplier issues invoice to customer according to an agreed upon payment schedule):

Invoice #   Interpretation
1   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
2   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
3   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
4   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation
Example 4

In the following example an invoice for an initial deposit of 10% was issued. The initial quoted value of the project is $1000 and a variation of $500 was approved and invoiced after the third invoice.

Invoice # Invoice Amount Total Invoiced % Completed Calculated Total
1 (deposit) $100 $100 1 $10,000
2 $400 $500 35 $1,429
3 $300 $800 65 $1,231
4 (variation) $500 $1,300 85 $1,529
5 $200 $1,500 100 $1,500
Example 4 - Interpretation

Interpretation of the above at each payment milestone (where supplier issues invoice to customer according to an agreed upon payment schedule):

Invoice #   Interpretation
1   deposit, no indication of project efficiency
2   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
3   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
4   CPI <1.0 = cost overrun, earned value less than invoiced, inefficient, poor execution, emphasis should be place upon the productivity rate
5   project is cost efficient, perfect cost performance, ideal planning situation

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Key Flags

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Contract Settings

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Service Management Register

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Contract Renewal Management

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The module provides two management tools that allows the planning, monitoring and tracking of Labour and Material Resources.

The tools are Forecasted Resources Requirements and Current Resources Requirements.

Person Days (PD) and Costs are derived from Labour Resources for Scheduled (Quoted) and Actual duration comparison.

Material Resources are compared in terms of Scheduled (Quoted) and Actual cost.

Forecasted Resource Requirements are based on current client requests that are not yet converted into quotes and quotes that are not yet converted into jobs.

The forecast is based on predefined library job types allocated to requests. The job type from the request is carried through to projects and service jobs.

By allocating a library job type to a request and quote the system is able to retrieve historical averages for person days and financials for this job type.

The system can also report on the number of requests and quotes that do not have a job library type allocated.

Key average values are the scheduled (quoted) and actual labour resources in Person Days and Financials.

For completed and approved quotes the scheduled values are as per quote and the actual is a forecasted value based on a historical value calculated as a proportion of the quoted value versus quoted historical value.

The lifespan of a request varies. A request may be received today and converted into a quote tomorrow therefore disappearing from the request-list

The lifespan of a quote can vary too. A quote may be submitted today and approved in three weeks. Once converted into a job/project it disappears from the quote-list

The Current Resource Requirements allow the planning, monitoring and tracking of Labour Resources in Projects and Service Jobs.

Tracking options are provided for scheduled (quoted) Labour Activities.

Key values provided includes scheduled and actual duration in Person Days and Cost. Delay is tracked comparing scheduled and actual completion dates.

For reporting actuals the system allocates Cost Codes to Labour transactions. Projects / Service Jobs with Labour transactions without cost code allocations are flagged.

To implement use of the above PCBx3 Manager capabilities, the following is required:

A) Setting up Library Job Types and allocating these to requests and quotes. Update previously completed jobs with library job types anytime in batch mode.

B) At least one labour transaction (Activity) is required to detail a quote. The more details (activities/labour transactions) a quote contains the more accurate the quote and subsequent tracking (resource planning) will be.

C) Actual labour transactions must have the Cost Code allocated. To do this, simply double-click the labour transaction and select from the scheduled/quoted labour activities.

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